
Monday, July 17, 2006

Queen Anglefish

Despite its bright colors, the Queen Angelfish blends well with its natural habitat. This fish and its close relative the Blue Angelfish, commonly hybridize -- that is, a Queen Angelfish and a Blue Angelfish will mate with each other, producing young fish that are a combination of their parents. Hybridizing between species of reef-dwelling fishes is extremely rare, except for these two angelfishes.
Queen Angelfish are found throughout the Caribbean but are seen only occassionally. Like other Angelfishes and Butterflyfishes, Queen Angelfish have tall, narrow bodies. Because they are so thin, they can turn quickly and can maneuver down into narrow cracks between the corals to hunt their prey. They swim by rowing with their pectoral fins. Their long dorsal, anal, and caudal (tail) fins allow them to turn quickly. The adult Queen Angelfish was about 12 inches long.



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